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Who We Are

Mission & Overview


We strengthen our communities by nurturing intentional spaces for boys, men, and masculine-identified folks to practice honest and mindful relationships. 


Boys and masculine-identified youth have equitable access to safe, trusted, and healthy adult male/masculine-identified mentors


Boys to Men Tucson humbly approaches the work of mentoring boys and masculine-identified youth. We are dedicated to building a future where boys, men and masculine-identified people have equitable access to frameworks, resources, tools and systems that allow them to survive and thrive.  A future where:

  • society views masculinity in a radically different way and men are able to express all parts of themselves;
  • boys and masculine-identified youth have safe, trusted, and healthy role models both inside and outside of the home;
  • patriarchy, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and all systemic forms of power are eradicated, and therefore the violence toward marginalized populations is eradicated.

We believe that our work training men and mentoring boys and masculine-identified youth in the southern Arizona communities contribute to this future. We are committed to being accountable to our community impact and learning innovative ways to decolonize the work. 

Our programming is for anyone who identifies as masculine: whether they are boys, men, male, trans, non-binary, or any other masculine gender identity.

Our Impact in 2023

  • Youth Served


  • Mentors Trained


  • Number of Mentoring Hours Available for Youth


Thank you to our Circle of Support