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What We Do


Our services and programs are aimed at nurturing the socio-emotional growth of boys and masculine-identified youth. By challenging and deconstructing patriarchal, stereotypical masculinity norms, we aim to cultivate a space that fosters safety, authenticity, and health.

Our approach is deeply rooted in the youth themselves, employing asset-based strategies that empower them to lead their journey of exploring masculinity. Through our  restorative talking “circles”, we encourage the development of critical self-awareness, empathy towards others, and a profound connection to their communities.

We harness the power of community resources to create safe spaces that not only celebrate but actively support diverse expressions of identity. Within these spaces, we cultivate a culture that not only acknowledges but also applauds healthy masculinity and a wide spectrum of gender expression. By fostering an environment of inclusivity and acceptance, we empower individuals to embrace their authentic selves and thrive in their unique journeys of self-discovery.



Our Impact in 2023

  • Youth Served


  • Mentors Trained


  • Number of Mentoring Hours Available for Youth


Thank you to our Circle of Support