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How To Support

Become a Monthly Supporter

Your gift is crucial in supporting programs that promote healthy masculinity, health equity, and social-emotional development among masculine-identified youth in Pima County. By eliminating barriers to success and providing transformative programming, your contribution fosters a community where boys, men, and masculine-identified individuals can flourish in settings that support their physical, emotional, and mental health.

Your generous support, whether large or small, directly strengthens Boys to Men Tucson’s mission of nurturing the mental well-being of male-identified youth. Your contributions empower us to create safe, trusted spaces where boys can develop emotional resilience, build meaningful relationships, and redefine masculinity in ways that promote healing and growth.

Donation Amount
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Last Name *
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State/Province *
Postal Code *
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Your credit balance will cover
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I would like my(our) name(s) to appear on donor listings as (please type in the Additional Comments box below):

Arizona Tax Credit

Arizona Residents - Use the tax credit to support us at no cost to yourself!

In Arizona, tax credits are a great way to reduce your taxes and support local nonprofits and schools. This is not a tax deduction; rather it is a credit. By donating to Boys to Men Tucson, that amount is credited to your state taxes. 

Keep up to $938 of your Arizona personal income taxes right here in our community by helping Boys to Men Tucson!

Take advantage of Arizona Tax Credit contribution of up to $470.00 per individual, or $938.00 for joint filers.

How Does It Work?

  1. Donate to Boys to Men Tucson.
  2. We will send you a thank you note and receipt for your donation.
  3. When preparing your Arizona tax return, complete Arizona Tax Form 321, noting QCO: 20799 and include it with your state return.
  4. Receive a tax credit for each dollar you donate—up to $470 for single filers and $938 for joint filers!

Our Impact in 2023

  • Youth Served


  • Mentors Trained


  • Number of Mentoring Hours Available for Youth


Thank you to our Circle of Support