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How To Support

Become a Mentor

When men step up to support the boys and masculine-identified youth in our community, everyone benefits. We all recognize its importance, but we need every man to take personal responsibility for this crucial work.

If you are a man or identify as masculine, the youth in this community need you. Your story, experiences, courage, love, wisdom, and heart are invaluable. Your involvement can make a profound impact.

Men often volunteer to give back for various reasons, but they frequently find that this experience transforms their own lives as well. Join us and see how you can make a difference.

To get started, sign up for one of our mentor facilitation training sessions.

Why Mentor?

Boys and masculine-identified youth develop into men partly because of the men who enter, guide, and shape their lives.

  • Many boys and masculine-identified youth in our community lack fathers, male role models, or men who show up to fill the gaps in their lives.
  • Help boys and masculine-identified youth navigate the challenges of adolescence and prepare them for a successful and fulfilling adulthood.
  • Help shape violence-free communities, specifically decreasing violence against women and children.
  • Create pathways to improved mental and physical health, academic achievement, and disruption of the school-to-prison pipeline.

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” — Frederick Douglass

What is the Role of a Mentor?

  • Model healthy masculinity.
  • Co-facilitate weekly talking circles with a partner (one hour per week).
  • Show up consistently.
  • Share your truth, be vulnerable, and model accountability.
  • Listen, encourage, and accept without fixing, rescuing, advising, or projecting.
Contact Information
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Last Name *
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Additional Details

Our Impact in 2023

  • Youth Served


  • Mentors Trained


  • Number of Mentoring Hours Available for Youth


Thank you to our Circle of Support